Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mardi Gras - The Plan

The plan - 40 minutes for 40 days - 4ever or 4 Lent? It is my hope that during the next 40 days I will be able to exercise each day for 40 minutes. So why the blog? Accountability. Someone other than me, myself, and I needs to know what I am up to. It will be hard enough to find the 40 minutes of exercise much less the time to write about it. Thus, this will be short and sweet. I have no before photo, no weight loss goal, and no strict diet to follow. I just know that I feel better when I exercise. It is time just for me to clear my head, think deep thoughts, and perhaps even pray. So if you see me in a neon orange vest cruising the neighborhood at 10 pm, you will know that I've had a long day . . . and if you own an orange vest, please feel free to join me.

1 comment:

  1. I'll exercise with you for 40 minutes on Saturday and Sunday!! Power walks in the woods anyone???
