Monday, February 22, 2010

The Ipod

Hired a babysitter to go exercise tonight which is major committment on my part - thank you very much! Needed the tried and true elliptical and 40 minutes of good music and people watching, but it seems that I was the one being watched. My ipod goes from one extreme to the other, and I often find myself singing silently, but my lips move, and I get very excited when a good song comes on. Tonight I was totally busted by the man on the treadmill next to me as I silently sang Footloose followed by "P.Y.T" (it was 80's night!) It got me thinking though . . . can you imagine all the different songs playing on ipods simultaneously at the gym while people exercise? And what does it say about those people? Ponder that deep thought . . . I am off to fold laundry and finish a great book entitled, Sarah's Key.

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